


维埃版袁大头的出现,是在1931年,国 民党反动派对苏区进行军事围剿和经济封锁,红色政权对敌斗争环境十分恶劣,为了适应对敌斗争形势的需要,红军便在从打土豪缴获来的民国三年‘袁大头’旧银元上,在袁世凯头像右侧打上了‘苏维埃’的戳记,为我所用,以示区别,用来发展革命根据地经济,保障红军供给和红色政权建设。而国 民党曾将不少盖有‘苏维埃’的银元回炉重铸,因此盖有‘苏维埃’戳的‘袁大头’并不多见,具有非常大的收藏价值。袁大头是中国近千种近代银币中流传最广、影响大的银元品种,也是近代中国币制变革中的一个重要角色,在货币收藏界被称为银元之宝。它代表了中国近代的货币文化,反映了我国近代历史、经济、金融的兴衰和沧桑,具有很高的艺术观赏价值和文物价值,特别是苏维埃版的袁大头,其存世量稀少,是收藏家们所喜爱的银元之一。有意者请来电0755-33241973咨询。

The bulk of the Soviet version of the yuan, was in 1931, the kuomintang reactionaries the Soviet military siege and economic blockade, red political power struggle against an environment is very bad, in order to meet the needs of the struggle against the situation, the red army was in from the local tyrants seized to three years of the republic of China 'big head' old silver dollar, yuan in yuan shikai's head on the right side of the stamp on the "Soviet", our advantage, to show the difference, used to revolutionary base area economy development, ensure the supply of the red army and the red political power construction. And the kuomintang had many covered with 'Soviet' silver dollars back to cast, so covered with 'Soviet' stamp 'yuan big head' is not seen, has a very large collection value. Yuan big head is the most widely circulated and influential variety of silver dollar among nearly a thousand kinds of modern silver COINS in China, and also an important role in the reform of modern Chinese currency system. It represents China's modern monetary culture and reflects the rise and fall of China's modern history, economy, finance and vicissitudes of life. It has a high value of art appreciation and cultural relics, especially the Soviet version of yuan's big head, whose existence is rare, is one of the collectors' favorite silver yuan. Interested parties please call 0755-33241973 for advice.

ソビエト版の元のプリクラの出现は、1931年、国 民党反动派苏区に対する軍事キャンペーンと経済封鎖し、赤い政権対敵闘争環境が劣悪で、対敵適応のための闘争の情勢の必要、红军の大韓民国に胴回り土豪から来た三年『元旧银元プリクラ』で、『袁世凱顔の右側にでたソビエト』の戳记、趣意にて、差別化を図ったが、革命根拠地経済発展に、政権建設保障红军の供給と赤い。しかし、国 民党は「ソビエト」が描かれた銀元を鋳たものが少なくなく、「ソビエト」が押された元大頭はあまり見られず、所蔵価値が高い。袁大头は中国の千近くの近代银货の中で最も広く、影响の大きい银元の品种で、近代中国通货制度の変革の中の重要な役割であり、通货所蔵界において银元の宝と呼ばれる。それは中国の近代の通货の文化を代表して、我が国の近代の歴史、経済、金融の盛衰と変転を反映して、高い芸术の鉴赏価値と文物の価値を持って、特にソビエト版の袁大头、その存在世の数量は少なくて、コレクター达の喜ぶ银元の1つです。お問い合わせは0755-33 2473まで。